Dear merchants:
We refer to the existing American Express Card Acceptance Agreement between American Express International Inc, its agent bank, and you (“Tripartite Agreement”).
在此谨提及American Express International Inc、其代理银行与贵司之间的《美国运通卡受理协议》(“三方协议”)。
As you may know, American Express has been approved by the People’s Bank of China to operate a card payment network in China through our joint venture, Express Company. With the launch of this new network, American Express will transfer its merchant acquiring business to Express Company. This means that you will need to work with an Express Company acquirer of your choice to continue accepting American Express Card transactions. Once you complete this transition by signing a new card acceptance agreement (or completing other arrangement requested by acquirer) and completing the operational setup, you will be able to accept both inbound and local American Express Card transactions.
If you have any questions on best to proceed, please reach out to your regular contact at American Express, or you can email Express Company at
Please be informed that your Tripartite Agreement will be terminated without further notice, pursuant to Article 27 thereof, on the earliest of the following: (1) 90 days after you successfully submit your first inbound charge through an Express Company acquirer; (2) the date when you become an inactive account under Article 27(D) of the Tripartite Agreement; or (3) 1 August 2022.
在此提请贵司注意,贵司的三方协议将根据其项下第27条在下列日期中孰早之日终止(无需我方另行通知):(1) 贵司通过连通公司的收单机构成功提交第一笔入境交易后90日届满之日;(2)贵司成为三方协议第27(D)条项下定义的不活跃账户之日;或(3) 2022年8月1日。
Thank you for your partnership, and for welcoming American Express Cardmembers.